This is your estimated company value before any new investment.
Post-Money Valuation
Estimated company value after a theoretical 20% equity
What to consider to get realistic valuation? Here explanation for each term counted
Annual Revenue
The total income generated by the company in a year. It is crucial for determining the base valuation.
Growth Rate (YoY)
Year-over-year growth rate indicates how quickly the company is expanding. A higher growth rate can lead to a higher valuation.
Gross Margin
The percentage of revenue that exceeds the cost of goods sold. A higher margin suggests better profitability, impacting valuation positively.
Team Size
The number of employees in the company. While it has a smaller impact, a well-sized team can indicate operational capacity.
Startup Industry
The sector in which the company operates. Different industries have varying valuation multipliers based on market trends.
Company Stage
The phase of the company lifecycle (e.g., Seed, Series A). Different stages have different risk profiles, affecting valuation.
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